Learn how to use the Barter Business Exchange to save cash by bartering for your reoccurring expenses that add up quickly. The main problem is that most people don’t realize where their money is going every month. Once you are cognizant of your spending habits, you can learn how to use your Barter Business Exchange barter dollars to pay for many of your reoccurring cash expenses. Click the link to view a sampling of reoccurring cash expenses that can be converted into barter expenses so you can keep the cash in your pocket!
The president of the Barter Business Exchange, Maurya Lane, and lawyers from the National Association of Trade Exchanges (NATE) and the International Reciprocal Trade Association (IRTA) came together to challenge the North Carolina State Bar Ruling for Lawyer Participating in a Barter Exchange and we won. It is legal for attorneys to participate in a barter exchange.