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Payment Options
Payment Options
Your application is almost complete, you just have to pay your application fee and send us your W9.
You can pay via:
Cash or Check:
I will pay cash fees to owed to BBE by cash or check. I understand that BBE will not process my application until BBE receives a $90.00 cash payment to pre-pay the first six months of administrative fees. Mail all checks to the Barter Business Exchange, Inc., 1125 Kildaire Farm Road, Suite 207, Cary, NC 27511.
Online Payment:
I will pay all cash fees owed to BBE with a credit cards or debit card.
Proceed to secure payment site
to submit your credit or debit card payment information for review and processing.
We need a completed W-9 form mailed to Barter Business Exchange, Inc., 1125 Kildaire Farm Road, Suite 207, Cary, NC 27511. You can download a copy of this form at