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How to Choose a Barter Exchange

Wikipedia states that, "Prosperity is the state of flourishing, thriving, good fortune and / or successful social status." Everyone wants to prosper, and BBE wants to help you to prosper too.

Below are the simple steps one might take to perform due diligence before choosing a barter exchange to help you prosper:

Review Their Membership Directory

Every legitimate, established barter exchange has an online membership directory. Ask to view their online membership directory. Make sure that there are products and services in the directory that you can use. Clarify if their online directory includes the businesses that are not accepting barter business. 

Are They Registered Members of IRTA?

The International Reciprocal Trade Association, IRTA, is a non-profit organization committed to promoting just and equitable standards of practice and operation within the modern trade and barter and alternative capital systems Industry and raising the awareness and value of these processes to the entire Worldwide Community. If you have questions, please contact Ron Whitney, IRTA Executive Director, at (757) 393-2292 or email IRTA.

Are They Registered Members of NATE?

The National Association of Trade Exchanges, NATE, is the premier organization for trade exchange owners from across the country and around the world. If you have questions, please call (949) 225-6000 or email NATE.

Research Their Better Business Bureau Listing

Go to the Better Business Bureau. Type in their company name. Do this for their local listing and their national listing.  If they are not listed on the Better Business Bureau as a legitimate business in each of their locations, raise an eyebrow.

Research Their Internet Domain Name

In the WHOIS Lookup, type in their web page address and click go. You should get contact information for the barter exchange, a technical contact, and their creation date, the date that the website was orininally created. 

Ask them how they market YOUR BUSINESS to the other participating business owners in their bartering network.

The biggest mistake that business owners make when they join a barter exchange is that they fail to ask how the system works. How do they promote your business to the participating business owners?

Do they have employees available to service your account if you need something?

Do the employees to telemarket your products and services to the other businesses?

Do they do broadcast emails and cell phone text messages to their clients promoting the clients who want more barter business?

Do they have online membership directories where you can search for available products and services?

Do they have an App to log into their cell phones and devices to view available products and services and process transactions? 

Do they have networking events and holiday fairs?

Use Common Sense!

Anyone can advertise anything they want on the world wide web. Take the time to verify the facts on their web page before you join. The reality is this, if sell your products and services to a barter exchange that doesn’t have anything to offer you in return, it is a bad investment. There are hundreds of successful, established barter exchanges in the United States. Make sure that you invest in the barter exchange that is going to go the extra mile to send you new business, and choose the barter exchange that has procedures in place to help you spend your barter dollars on the products and services that are going to reduce your cash expenditures.

Choose the people that you trust.

The Barter Business Exchange is your full-service barter exchange that cares about you, your employees, and your family.